Admission conditions
- Point-Virgule is part of the FLAM (Français LAngue Maternelle) network which supports schools providing francophone children attending local schools classes to strengthen their knowledge of the French language. It is thus important that the child already speaks some French at home, or at least understands it. We do not offer lessons to non-francophone children preparing to enter French schools. From the age of 9, it is expected that the child already knows how to read in French.
- If you want to enrol your child in Point-Virgule, we ask you to fill a short information form to assess his/her level of French so that we can offer him/her a suitable class. Our classes take into account the age of the child but also their level of knowledge of the French language.
Currently we have classes for children aged between 4 years old (Reception level) and 14 years old.
Tuition fees
- Tuition fees are paid by term and have to be received before the start of the term. The cost is £10 per hour and the length of the term varies according to the school calendar (from 9 to 12 weeks). Children who already have a brother or sister attending Point-Virgule benefit from a 20% discount in their tuition fees. We also offer subsidised places for children in possession of a Free School Meal voucher.
- Once paid, a term is non-refundable, but it is possible, by special arrangement, to attend a trial session at the start of the term. The number of pupils per class is limited to 10 so requests are treated on a first come first served basis when places are available.